Saturday, June 14, 2008

Limbaugh Land

Many members of the GOP but especially everybody's favorite rabble rouser RUSH LIMBAUGH hae been pushing a single language agenda for our good old US of A. Rushy thinks that the native language of this nation should be honored, however the native language of this nation is NOT english. This land limabugh honors so much was not natively his it was the property of the Native Americans. Whose world is Rush living in

Bobzarro world

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, who is currently on the short list to become Vice President. Has recently stated that he feels that the American people do not make their decisions based on color, whose world is he living in. Since the dawn of America choices have been made depending on race. And it still continues today as every news headline asks the question "is the nation ready for a black president?" In conclusion American voters make a majority of choices based on race and background and all we can do is work to make less choices based on that.