Monday, July 28, 2008

Oh Johnny Boy, the Pipes the Pipes Are Calling

Ah yes here it is sports fans the John McCain issue is in. Let me start off by saying that the Republican party is thoroughly doomed for the next eight years. Republicans today face the same political climate as the Democratic party of 1968, with the added heat that the GOP faced following Watergate. With the tens of hundreds of Right wing Sex scandals rocking the very base of the Republican party, to the point that somebody went to the trouble of writing a book about it entitled "Brotherhood of the Disappearing Pants".

In the past the public viewed the Republican Party as steadfast, bold, decisive and above all either married or abstinent, but oh how the burning couch has turned. It was not so long ago that Monica Lewinsky was able to help Newt Gingrich and the GOPAC warroom spin the Democratic party as visceral sex fiends, funnily enough coming from a guy who made his wife divorce him while she was recovering from cancer surgery.

Now the Republican party has in the past year been smeared with many of their elected officials opting out rather than having to face reelection, but much to the partie's dismay the sex scandals have come from both sides of the veil. Another pillar of the Republican Party has always been that the majority of its members were straight, almost rulerish if you will. That is in fact how much of the Christian right came to the Right, but what with a Senator caught soliciting sex from a man that ship has sailed and perhaps among its passengers was all hope in the GOP for victory this year.

But of course I would be remiss not to enlist the elephant in the room. You all know he's coming it Dubya. Thats right the Republican party has tried their best to keep their "fearless leader" under wraps. McCain's newly founded relationship with George has consecrated itself in having to attend underground fundraisers in order for it not to come out that they are friends. But what with McCain's soul and integrity in a jar in G.W.'s office its kind of hard to miss.

Such is the indoctrination of Bush, where once he and McCain were bitter rivals, where once McCain was considered a wild and crazy maverick, and where McCain was in a cage match with his own party now McCain belongs to his party mind, aging body and soul. McCain has long held on to his title of underdog war hero. Now as frontrunner in a party looking for a new Reagan McCain seems at a loss for what to do about Obama. Luckily for Johnny boy he has one part of Reagan nailed down and that is age.

At the age of 72 McCain would definitely be the oldest man to ever assume presidency. The question is do we want that? the answer is no, McCain as Wesley Clark said is a war hero but that doesn't make him a president. Even McCain's semi recent endorsement from his former captors in Vietnam he does not have the steam to push forward. McCain is also still trying to regain his balance knowing that he will have to pick a VP soon and that person needs to also vote with Bush 95% of the time but can't be too young or else he'll look too old.

McCain's strategem so far has been to attack Obama on all fronts desperately trying to force something to stick. But McCain's inability to pick out a decisive form of attack is perhaps a reflection of what his presidency may become. When Pearl Harbor exploded did we attack from all sides until something stuck, no we struck and we hit where it hurt. But McCain's ineptitude cannot be entirely blamed on his lack of experience with sucessful presidential campaigning but also lies in his voting record. Due to that McCain cannot summon the Architect, the Democrats are coming and this time the great Karl will not be there to stop them. McCain's own sloppy attack ads are up to him to create.

But alas that is not the end of McBush's problems his pride in his town hall meetings is not only pathetic but unpreparatory McCain's Town Meetings are to him as Dittoheads are to Rush Limbaugh. Not that the two of them get along not at all, but McCain has surrounded himself with easy questions and supporters who are immune to his gravelly voice, in the debates McCain will enjoy no such luxury. He will be fighting against one of the most articulate public speakers of our day.

In the face of these odds McCain cannot hope to win.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Glenn Beck:Gasbag

Many of you are familiar with Conservative commentator Glenn Beck, his initials are GB which apparently stands for GASBAG. Glenn Beck is very much like a semi rabid dog, he bites at what he thinks is attempting to attack him, but also like a rabid dog Beck's bite is contagious. His hordes of screaming fans which are comparable to Rush Limbaugh's beloved dittoheads, consume and distort all that comes from their already thoroughly mislead leader's lips.

But hey thats what you get, as the old saying goes "Absolute power corrupts absolutely", however in the case of Beck a more fitting saying would be, "Monkey see, Monkey distort and complain about". I've been watching Beck for some time now tuning in for his near daily television show (I don't listen to his radio show, how much can one man take?) Beck on paper is your classic conservative radical, rallying at any time that the government has lost touch with the working man. Which lead me to question what gives Beck the right to speak for the working man? The man earns millions of dollars a year, he is in short what Limbaugh would look like if he was seventeen. Also Beck has almost no credentials in politics, the fact of the matter is that he is a comedian, not pipe fitter like some of my own good friends, hes not a union man, also like my good friends. No he's Jeff Foxworthy minus the accent and redneck jokes.

But aside from Beck's obvious lack of credentials, crazy beliefs, and overall lack of subtelty underneath the layers of feces that make up his own weak platform lies a man who believes what he says which is perhaps his greatest flaw. but if you've been reading this whole time and think that I just don't like Glenn Beck, you're wrong and right, I dislike but what I dislike more is the fact that his platform however much merit it may have retained,(I doubt it, but I could be wrong) is so badly communicated as he too the naked eye strongly, but to the trained eye feebly attempts to connect with his largely Republican audience though he himself is not a Republican.

Beck on a show last week stated in regards to the amendments to the second ammendment stated "That Congress has made the law so that you may now not have your gun loaded in your home, unless a transgressor is in your room," Beck then went on to do an impersonation of a homeowner calmly asking the armed robber to wait while he reassembled his gun. Beck then went on to say "So just sit in your bed while the man in the next room tortures your dog." This is a perfect example of Beck's logic, first of all it is my personal belief that guns if used at all should be in self defense, and unfortunately for Spot self does not include dogs, unless Spot is packing heat, but thats a whole different set of problems. While I have no personal grudge against dogs, in the midst of this statement I could not help but think"its a dog" while companionship and life are important, Beck states this dogs torment as if we were torturing a polar bear.

IN conclusion I hope you enjoyed this article, I hope it made you smile, I hope it made you think, and most of all I hope it made you realize Glenn Beck is a dink!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

George Will: Monotoned Moron

Many of you are familiar with award winning conservative commentator, George Will. However Will's nonthreatening composure masks an alarmingly buffoonish mindset, Will has stated on the Colbert Report in the total seriousness that his composure merits stated "We conservatives are different from Democrats, we conservatives tend to focus more on freedom, While liberals focus more on equality. That one knocked me over I was so shocked, George Will had just characterized his party as a bunch of freedom fighting elitists, the party that was ready to pounce on Barack Obama as an elitist who gets all the good press, was guilty of not only the crime they accused him of, but multiple counts of that same crime (along with several others that we will get into later). I know several die hard Republicans and when they speak of their party after a thoroughly drawn out explanation of the triumphs of the Ronald Reagan administration(This is always a hard part to sit through, but its in the name of journalism) they will without fail bring up Abraham Lincoln.

And here I give pause so we can do a little trivia, now Abraham Lincoln was president during what war? if you said Civil War give yourself a point. next question What do many consider to be Abraham Lincoln's greatest achievement? If you said uniting the north & south states or freeing the slaves give yourself 2 points. Now what would at least trying to free the slaves(it is debated whether he legally did) and abolishing slavery in the part of the continent under his control fall under the mantel of freedom or equality more. In many circles it falls under the mantle of EQUALITY. So what does this mean? it means that George subconsciously insulted Abraham Lincoln.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Limbaugh Land

Many members of the GOP but especially everybody's favorite rabble rouser RUSH LIMBAUGH hae been pushing a single language agenda for our good old US of A. Rushy thinks that the native language of this nation should be honored, however the native language of this nation is NOT english. This land limabugh honors so much was not natively his it was the property of the Native Americans. Whose world is Rush living in

Bobzarro world

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, who is currently on the short list to become Vice President. Has recently stated that he feels that the American people do not make their decisions based on color, whose world is he living in. Since the dawn of America choices have been made depending on race. And it still continues today as every news headline asks the question "is the nation ready for a black president?" In conclusion American voters make a majority of choices based on race and background and all we can do is work to make less choices based on that.