Sunday, July 20, 2008

George Will: Monotoned Moron

Many of you are familiar with award winning conservative commentator, George Will. However Will's nonthreatening composure masks an alarmingly buffoonish mindset, Will has stated on the Colbert Report in the total seriousness that his composure merits stated "We conservatives are different from Democrats, we conservatives tend to focus more on freedom, While liberals focus more on equality. That one knocked me over I was so shocked, George Will had just characterized his party as a bunch of freedom fighting elitists, the party that was ready to pounce on Barack Obama as an elitist who gets all the good press, was guilty of not only the crime they accused him of, but multiple counts of that same crime (along with several others that we will get into later). I know several die hard Republicans and when they speak of their party after a thoroughly drawn out explanation of the triumphs of the Ronald Reagan administration(This is always a hard part to sit through, but its in the name of journalism) they will without fail bring up Abraham Lincoln.

And here I give pause so we can do a little trivia, now Abraham Lincoln was president during what war? if you said Civil War give yourself a point. next question What do many consider to be Abraham Lincoln's greatest achievement? If you said uniting the north & south states or freeing the slaves give yourself 2 points. Now what would at least trying to free the slaves(it is debated whether he legally did) and abolishing slavery in the part of the continent under his control fall under the mantel of freedom or equality more. In many circles it falls under the mantle of EQUALITY. So what does this mean? it means that George subconsciously insulted Abraham Lincoln.

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